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inauthor: E. Faas from
... in author's possession . 14. " THE LOST GENERATION " 1. Burt Goldblatt , Newport Jazz Festival : An Illustrated History ( New York : Dial Press , 1977 ) , 5 . 2 ... Fass Morton's Backstory in Blue : Ellington at Newport '56 ( New ...
inauthor: E. Faas from
... 2 , March 10 , July 22 , 1934 , February 14 , 1935 , Helen Snyder diary , in author's possession . 28. Margaret Mead , Blackberry Winter : My Earlier Years ( New York : Morrow , 1972 ) , 109 ; Nancy Woloch , Women and the American ...
inauthor: E. Faas from
... E. Fuller , “ Women's Suffrage , " in John E. Kleber , ed . , Kentucky Encyclopedia ( 1992 ) , 965-66 ; idem , Laura ... in author's possession ) , n.p .; Irvin , Women in Kentucky , 123 ; Paula S. Fass , The Damned and the ...
inauthor: E. Faas from
... in Author Catalogue . [ Faas , A. W. ] Фаасъ , А. В. = VOLUME Abel , O ... 2 Taf . ) . [ 80 . 85.95.6031 d ] . 7253 Zweiter und dritter Dis ... 2 Pl . ) . [ 90.0231 db ] . 7259 ( K - 13822 ) Andersson , Johan ] G [ unnar ] v ...
inauthor: E. Faas from
The Russian Review The distinction between East and West Europe is a seemingly immemorial cliche that desperately needs dismantling, and Wolff does it with erudition and a lively dramatic sense. Voice Literary Supplement"
inauthor: E. Faas from
Approachable Explanations—unpack complex public policies and financial strategies for readers who seek understanding of public policy in higher education.
inauthor: E. Faas from
... Fass , in Jay Sand , “ The Radio Waves Unnameable , ” 6 . 11. Wini Breines , Community and Organization in the New ... 2 . 16. Celeste Wesson , interview by the author , 18 July 1993. Notes in the author's possession . 17. Margot ...
inauthor: E. Faas from
The interviews collected here span Waters's career from 1965 to 2010 and include a new one exclusive to this edition. Waters began making films in his hometown of Baltimore in 1964.
inauthor: E. Faas from
This fascinating volume offers a critique of recent institutional and cultural turns in heterodox economics and political economy.