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inauthor: Great Britain from
... in author of a Survey ' of that county , 1580-1640 . the army , author of ' Tales of the Genii , ' d . 1765. RISLEY ... great courage , and as the flames 1721 , at Borthwick , in Mid - Lothian , where his did not reach the vital ...
inauthor: Great Britain from
... in Great Britain , were , at this Juncture , wonderfully flufh'd 4 Report 4- with Hopes of his Restoration ; and fome bout his being News Writers in Holland , and after them , the aociated in Author of the Flying - Poft here , did not ...
inauthor: Great Britain from
. . . Carefully read, this is a tale of irony about wishful thinking and the limits of knowledge."—Publishers Weekly
inauthor: Great Britain from
... in Great Britain , thereafter in England and Wales . For the final three surveys in the table , the don't know ' column includes those who replied “ neither support nor oppose . Source : MORI . Extracted from unpublished reports in author's ...
inauthor: Great Britain from
John Guille Millais. BRITISH DOMESTICATED SHEEP . not quite complete , but seem to resemble a type. O $ 2 1. Four - horned variety of the Black - faced Ram , Stoneham , Forfarshire . Upper right horn , 22 in ... in . Author's collection . 4.
inauthor: Great Britain from
... Britain , as under the Ro- He were the two greatest men that had mans ; a Survey and History of each ever been of ... great man . turn'd the eyes of the Nation upon this Materials for the Work ; all this look'd kind of Learning ...
inauthor: Great Britain from
Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. in the part corresponding to the hole , from finding ... in Author's " Two Years in Peru . " Sampson Low and Co. 1874 . bodies back to their graves after they had turned ...
inauthor: Great Britain from
Public Library of New South Wales. Parasitic Diseases - Animal- Animal Parasites of ... in Author Catalogue , with names of the Public Depart ments or Commissions ... Great Britain and Ireland - Paris Exhibition Colonial Commission , Report by ...
inauthor: Great Britain from
... GREAT BRITAIN - THE LABOR MOVEMENT IN POLITICS PEEL , HON . GEORGE VILLIERS , M.A. Author of " The Future of England ... IN- Author " History of the United States " GRANT ( HIRAM ) ULYSSES SIMPSON ROSE , J. HOLLAND , Litt.D. Author ...