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inauthor: Michael Hassemer from
This is the twenty-first century according to Ray Kurzweil, the “restless genius” (The Wall Street Journal), “ultimate thinking machine” (Forbes), and inventor of the most innovative and compelling technology of our era.
inauthor: Michael Hassemer from
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • The bold futurist and renowned author of The Singularity Is Near explores the limitless potential of reverse-engineering the human brain. “This book is a Rosetta Stone for the mystery of human thought ...
inauthor: Michael Hassemer from
This volume is to be unqualifiedly commended as a standard and sufficient history of continental criminal procedure." J.H.B. Harv. L. Rev. 27:294-295.
inauthor: Michael Hassemer from
This book provides a leading point of reference in the field of partial defences to murder and with respect to the mental condition defences of loss of control and diminished responsibility in general.
inauthor: Michael Hassemer from
Produced with Childrenlaw UK (formerly the British Juvenile and Family Courts Society) this is the definitive collection of contributions from experts about how and why children kill other people - including a special focus on the notorious ...