With this book, anyone or or organization can learn to reroute their AQ and hardwire their brain for success." -Daniel Burrus, author, Technotrends. "AQ is one of the more important concepts of our time.
In this exciting new edition of The Adversity Advantage, this dream-team joined forces to offer incredible experiences and practical science to teach you how to turn life challenges into a powerful advantage.
Now, in Adversity Quotient @ Work, Stoltz applies the principles of his brilliant theory to the uniquely challenging environment of the workplace. AQ is a measure of one's ability to handle adversity.
Die zwei führenden Karriereexperten James Reed und Paul G. Stoltz haben in weltweiter Forschung die spezifischen mentalen Eigenschaften herausgearbeitet, die Arbeitgeber überzeugen und letztendlich für den Erfolg im Job verantwortlich ...
Also Available with MyStudentSuccessLab(TM) This title is also available with MyStudentSuccessLab-an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results.
Check with the seller prior to purchase. 0134067533 / 9780134067537 Community College Experience, The, Student Value Edition Plus NEW MyLab Student Success with Pearson eText, 4/e Package consists of: 0133998886 / 9780133998887 MyLab ...