BILLS ARE TOSSED ruin STATE HOPPER Thirty Six Bills Are Intro duced in House and Five In Senate Dry Enforcement ... Tn th- houso and five in the senate. Among the more Important mea sures are Bills for the enforcement of state wide ...
... in tht. Within \vitmn its IK. Premier Bennett announces exlcn- increases In lh ... tn put tariff legislation Into effect thnt will be best. In Us ... senate and the house, who art eager to take Uncle Bam lor a Joy ride into ...
WASHINGTON CALLING by MARQUIS CHILDS. BOTTLED up In tho House Interstate and ... Senate folt that it was all right lo spend Federal money to tench men and ... Tennessee Is working hard to get action nnd so are others. Another ...
... Senate, as objection IMS :nsde to action wins takun. Ur LATHAV report**! bock from tho Committee o tl-e Joiilnary an art in amemlm-'nt of 8«*<*tlon 2 Chapter H%of the General Statutes, requiring the Railroad Commlix Inner to rnako bm ...
... In some particulars, and then be pushed through eventually. Governor?" "If it were defeated now in the Senate. I do, not think any tariff bill could go through at this session. Then, before the meeting of Congress next December. tha ...
... in Ireland. As a matter of Jaet this will be done by the bill, as It c imams ... general discharge of duty, and especially of any violation! of tne oyster ... Senate) the House bill propoai-Jg o oai-Jg -EeulBg amendment nt to the ...
... In and prc- v.«pntpd v.«pntpd to the stale legislature .tn'lay. .tn'lay. One, hy Spnalor .Inhn H Rohprl- son ... Senator H N. Jnrkson. Tacomn Democrat, would apnroprlnlc sino.nnn fnr a sniinon ii«h halchpry in thp vicinllv ofi ...
... Tennessee Ima a number of laws po- eullnr to Unit state, but In this rrnpoet tho "Johnnie" law, passed by the ... legislators mado light of tho hill, and laughed at its author— Senator SmltliHon. Tho newspapers poked fun at tho ...
... State in the cause of tariff reform, all our leading Democrats •were passed by, and under Mr. Hill's leadership a man was elected to tho Senate of the United States, whose principal function there has been to procure an increase of tha ...