United States. National Railroad Adjustment Board. Docket No. CL - 14909 NATIONAL RAILROAD ADJUSTMENT BOARD THIRD ... in author- ity to the Baggage Agent who preferred the charges and who was directly involved in the insubordination ...
United States. National Railroad Adjustment Board. he had in mind assessing a penalty in these circumstances , then ... in author- ity to yard train on Track 9 , requiring the performance of the work com- plained of ; furthermore ...
United States. National Railroad Adjustment Board. I or We , hereby empower such representative to present , settle ... in author- izing System Federation No. 97 to handle this dispute requested their work week assignment of ...
United States. National Railroad Adjustment Board. The story given by the claimant that he informed the doctor on ... in author- ity of his absences . The record of claimant's absence in 1962 and during the first six months of 1963 ...
United States. National Railroad Adjustment Board. In Award 446 the Board stated : " In the situation heretofore ... in author- izing the train movements over the Westward Main Line ( twenty - five min- utes or less ) was ...
... National Cemetery , Brook- lyn , N. Y. , acceptance of Mount of Victory plot as part of ----- District of Columbia ... Board .... National Mediation Board ---------- 89 83 83 83 85 84 85 National Railroad Adjustment Deficiency ...
... United States senator that the agreement was entered into for public ... railroad one hundred square fed present and of course de the compa траду ... NATIONAL ( Continued from page 554 ) their sizing program , I understand they ...
... National Supply Company ; and Messrs . Morse and Metzger . The following were elected to serve one year on the board ... United States and Canada to other points in the U. S. , and to , from or through Canada . The plan , however , does ...
... railroad rates , food and fuel prices , etc. , should be decreased , not ... states ' commissioners were not as insistent in this regard as they had been ... adjustment was made in several classifications where the latest ...