Set in 1954, Towles uses the story of two brothers to show that our personal journeys are never as linear or predictable as we might hope.” —Bill Gates “A real joyride . . . elegantly constructed and compulsively readable.” —NPR ...
Philosophy is shaped by life and life is shaped by philosophy. This is reflected in The Philosophical I, a collection of 16 autobiographical essays by prominent philosophers.
... William Palmer Ladd of Berkeley Divinity School , back in the 20's , was an earnest and persua- sive representative ... in author- izing a vernacular version of the sacred liturgy or other rites . Some of the Ger- man bishops told ...
... William G. Milliken , Monday , September 21 , through Sunday , September 27 , 1970 , copy in author's possession . 60. Helen Fogel , " Helen Milliken Says , ' We Must Understand Each Other's Needs , " " Detroit Free Press , November 5 ...
"This book is the result of a study in which the authors identified all of the American women who earned PhD's in mathematics before 1940, and collected extensive biographical and bibliographical information about each of them.
... in author of Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch , a story not only read wherever ... William Rothenstein . Mr. Rothenstein is the author of Portrait Drawings of ... Ladd is a student in the classes of the Extension Department of the ...
... Ladd and Ladd , eds . , The Bachelder Papers , vol . 1 , pp . 310-12 .. 22. OR 27 , part 1 , p . 720 ; In his ... William F. Fox , ed . , New York at Gettysburg , 3 vols . , ( Albany , 1900 ) . 36. Richard C. S. Drummond to ...
... in author's possession ; William Winter Institute on Racial Reconciliation , " We Are All Mississippians , " Mississippians.html . 36. Mississippi Truth Project , “ Declaration of Intent ...