... in author- ship . She despised superficiality , and looked deeper than the colours of things . Suits were soldiers , she would say , and must have an uniformity of array to distinguish them : but what should we say to a foolish squire ...
Charles Lamb sir Thomas Noon Talfourd. J candour , declared , that he thought there was no harm in unbending ... in author- ship . She despised superficiality , and looked deeper than the colours of things . - Suits were soldiers ...
Charles Lamb Brander Matthews. honourable mention ; and has animated hills and streams with life and passion beyond ... in author- ship as in everything else . His ambition seems to have been confined to the pleasure of hearing the ...
Containing His Letters, Essays, Poems, Etc Charles Lamb Thomas Noon Talfourd ... author : his Rape of the Lock her favourite work . She once did me ... in author- ship . She despised superficiality , and looked deeper than the ...
... in author - craft at that time , and proportionately nervous as to the personal consequences that might attend a literary adventure of this peculiar character , I had called on Hazlitt on the day in ques- tion , in the hope of learning ...
Richard Henry Stoddard. CHARLES LAMB . M Y first introduction to Charles Lamb ... in author - craft at that time , and pro- portionately nervous as to the ... LAMB . PATMORE'S FIRST ACQUAINTANCE WITH LAMB.
... in author- ship , " writing " John Woodvil ; " " hitting off a few lines ... author , who was bound to furnish daily a quantum of witty paragraphs . Sixpence a joke - and it was thought pretty high ... Charles Lamb at his Desk . 287.
... Lamb might have remembered from Sampson Carrasco's discourse that in ... Charles Lamb . Lamb could | their bounty we should not have lis- not forgive ... in- author's purport , which was laughter clined to say that this is the ...
... in author- ship , " writing " John Woodvil ; " " hitting off a few lines ... author , who was bound to furnish daily a quantum of witty paragraphs . Sixpence a joke - and it was thought pretty high ... Charles Lamb at his Desk . 287.
... in author- ship , " writing " John Woodvil ; " " hitting off a few lines ... author , who was bound to furnish daily a quantum of witty paragraphs . Sixpence a joke - and it was thought pretty high ... Charles Lamb at his Desk . 287.