The Oregon Secretary of State works to maximize voter participation, is a watchdog for public spending, makes it easier to do business in Oregon, ...
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Regular Hours. Outside of office closures listed above, our normal hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday – Friday. The Corporation Division contact center hours ...
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The Oregon Secretary of State's Office recognizes intergenerational harm has been caused by policies of federal, state and local governments in the U.S. We ...
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1/3 Constitutional offices created at statehood: includes the @OregonArchives @OregonAudits @OregonCorp @OregonElections 503-986-1500
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The current secretary of state is Democrat LaVonne Griffin-Valade, who took office on June 30, 2023. She took over from interim Secretary of State Cheryl Myers, ...
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Current officeholder. The current Oregon Secretary of State is LaVonne Griffin-Valade (D). Griffin-Valade assumed office in 2023. Authority.
Constitutional offices created at statehood. Includes the: @oregonarchives, Audits Division, Corporation Division, and @oregonelections
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