Scotland. Court of Session. Newmarch as to their respective rights to the legacy of £ 600 , it was arranged that in the mean time joint measures should be adopted to recover the amount from a Mr. Robinson , the exe- cutor of Mrs ...
... In 1614 Alexander was appointed to the English office of master of requests , and in July of the following ... Scotland , and in 1631 an extraordinary judge of the Court of Session . Meanwhile French influence had gained ground ...
... court of session , and in 1805 the pros pect of an appointment of this nature opened upon him . Mr. George Home ... Scotland , that he would point out the first opportunity wherein he ( Mr. Pitt ) could serve the author . Thus the ...
... SESSION will be held on WEDNESDAY NEXT , December 6 , at 32 , Sackville ... court , Fleet - street , E.C. R. ANDERSON & CO . , Advertising Agents , 14 ... Scotland - Theology , & c . , including some from the Library of the late ...
... Court Judgments , England . The Pro- tested Bills recorded throughout Scotland , and all Bank- ruptcy Intelligencef ... Session Cases and Certiorari , V. - Appeal from Justices in Cases of Summary Jurisdiction . VI . - Mandamus ...
" Footnotes give additional information concerning many of the people listed. This volume was published in 1949 to help scholarly research in the history of colonial of Georgia.
The book is accompanied by a web site where students and lecturers alike can access updates on major developments in the law as well as pointers to the exercises contained in the text.
... Court , and not elsewhese . Upon the trial of any such action in a County ... Scotland , the Sheriff's Court ; and , with respect to Ireland , the Civil ... session shows that the total is very large . Members of the Kelso family ...
"This book is the result of a study in which the authors identified all of the American women who earned PhD's in mathematics before 1940, and collected extensive biographical and bibliographical information about each of them.