United States. National Railroad Adjustment Board. Docket No. CL - 14909 NATIONAL RAILROAD ADJUSTMENT BOARD THIRD ... in author- ity to the Baggage Agent who preferred the charges and who was directly involved in the insubordination ...
United States. National Railroad Adjustment Board. he had in mind assessing a ... in author- ity to yard train on Track 9 , requiring the performance of the ... NATIONAL RAILROAD ADJUSTMENT BOARD 39 9629-3 398.
United States. National Railroad Adjustment Board. I or We , hereby empower such representative to present , settle , adjust ... in author- izing System Federation No. 97 to handle this dispute requested their work week assignment of ...
United States. National Railroad Adjustment Board. The story given by the claimant that he informed the doctor on July 5th that he could not return to work was disputed by witness K. L. Young , Com- pany Nurse , at page 16 of the ...