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inauthor: William Sullivan from
The son of veteran sportwriter Mike Sullivan describes his two years following horses across the country.
inauthor: William Sullivan from
... William Barry , in recorded interview by Roberta Greene , October 22 , 1969 , 69 , RFK Oral History Program . 64. Toledano , J. Edgar Hoover , 291 . 65. Sullivan , in interview by author . 66. S. J. Ungar , FBI ( Boston , 1976 ) , 276 ...
inauthor: William Sullivan from
... William Hood served on Jones County's Board of Police during the 1850s . He married Elizabeth S. Windham , daughter ... ( Sullivan ) Owen . Celia Owen was the daughter of Tom and Maud Elizabeth ( Workman ) Sullivan . Owens and Joseph ...
inauthor: William Sullivan from
"Bill Sullivan is a contemporary American painter and printmaker ... The Autobiography of Bill Sullivan includes 50 color plates"--Http://
inauthor: William Sullivan from
... William Hood served on Jones County's Board of Police during the 1850s . He married Elizabeth S. Windham , daughter ... ( Sullivan ) Owen . Celia Owen was the daughter of Tom and Maud Elizabeth ( Workman ) Sullivan . Owens and Joseph ...
inauthor: William Sullivan from
... In author's possession . 2. Mark Yudof , quoted from minutes of Board of Regents , May 12 , 2001 , in author's ... William Sullivan , Institutional Identity and Social Responsibility ( Washing- ton , D.C .: Council on Public Policy ...
inauthor: William Sullivan from
... Sullivan to J. E. Hoover, October 6, 1971, Sullivan Papers. [back] 4. As told by Henry Brandon, in author's journal ... William W. Turner could find only one; Turner, Hoover's FBI (New York: Dell reprint, 1971), 152. [back] 11 ...
inauthor: William Sullivan from
... In author's personal files from days as cofounder of MAYO in Texas. 16. See ... William Sullivan, The Bureau: My Thirty Years in Hoover's FBI (New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 1979), 28, 122 ...
inauthor: William Sullivan from
... in author's possession. Chapter. 7. 1. Frances Fox Piven and Richard Cloward, Poor People's Movements: Why They Succeed, How They Fail, New York: Vintage Books, 1977, 2, 6. 2. Robert N. Bellah, Richard Madsen, William Sullivan, Ann ...