Remembering the Christian past

Remembering the Christian past

Book by Robert Louis Wilken
3.7/5 · AbeBooks
This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable. Prompting readers to reacquaint themselves with forgotten aspects of Christian tradition, this collection of essays points out the importance of remembering the enduring truths of... Google Books
Originally published: 1995
Rating (4) · $6.99 delivery
This is a collection of previously published writings or transcripts by Wilken that find coherence around the theme of the significance of the Christian past.
This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable. Prompting readers to reacquaint themselves with forgotten aspects of Christian tradition, ...
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This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable. Prompting readers to reacquaint themselves with forgotten aspects of Christian tradition, ...
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Item Number. 176570190001 ; ISBN. 9780802808806 ; Book Title. Remembering the Christian Past ; Accurate description. 4.9 ; Reasonable shipping cost. 5.0.
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Professor of the History of Christianity, University of Virginia at Charottesville. Among his many books is "The Land Called Holy: Palestine in Christian ...
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By Robert L. Wilken, ISBN: 9780802808806, Paperback. Bulk books at wholesale prices. Min. 25 copies. Free Shipping & Price Match Guarantee.
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Prompting readers to reacquaint themselves with forgotten aspects of Christian tradition, this collection of essays points out the importance of remembering ...
Rating (31) · Free 14–30 day delivery
Prompting readers to reacquaint themselves with forgotten aspects of Christian tradition, this collection of essays points out the importance of remembering the ...
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Remembering the Christian Past Paperback Robert L. Wilken. Free US Delivery | ISBN:0802808808.
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Category - Non Fiction / Religion. Format - Paperback. Condition - Good. Listed - 9 months ago. Views - 24. Wishes - 1. Ships From - Pennsylvania.