Literary and Historical Society of Quebec
The Literary and Historical Society of Quebec was the first historical society, and one of the first learned societies, in Canada. It was founded in 1824 by George Ramsay, Earl of Dalhousie, governor of British North America. Its headquarters are... Wikipedia
Founded: January 6, 1824
Founded in 1824, the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec (LHSQ) is the oldest existing learned society in Canada.
Fact & Fiction intersect at the Literary & Historical Society (also known as the Morrin Centre) in Old Quebec City. A trap door became for me a moment of ...
The Literary and Historical Society of Quebec (LHSQ) was the first historical society, and one of the first learned societies, in Canada.
The Morrin Centre is a nationally recognized heritage site and leading English-language cultural centre located in the heart of historic Old Quebec City.
Founded in 1824 and housed in Morrin College (now the Morrin Centre) since 1868, The Literary and Historical Society of Quebec was Canada's first scholarly
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In the heart of Old Quebec, disccover a nationally-recognized heritage site and leading English-language cultural centre. The Morrin Centre is managed by ...
Founded on the initiative of Lord Dalhousie in 1824 to preserve the documentary record of Canadian history, this was the first Canadian learned society. For 120 ...
Jul 6, 2016 · Established in 1824 by Governor General Lord Dalhousie, who also founded his namesake university in Halifax, the LHSQ collected historical ...
Mar 8, 2009 · The Literary and Historical Society of Québec, founded 6 Jan 1824, is Canada's oldest HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The earl of DALHOUSIE, governor in ...
We believe this work is culturally important in its original archival form. While we strive to adequately clean and digitally enhance the original work, there ...
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