bibliogroup:"Applied linguistics and language study" from
The central concern of this book is the analysis of verbal interaction or discourse.
bibliogroup:"Applied linguistics and language study" from
This book undertakes a general framework within which to consider the complex nature of the writing task in English, both as a first, and as a second language.
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Genre analysis, corpus linguistics, contrastive rhetoric and ethnography are comprehensively covered through the analysis of various academic genres: research articles, PhD these, textbooks, argumentative essays, and business cases.
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This volume offers new insights into the principles of autonomy and independence and the practices associated with them focusing on the area of EFL teaching.
bibliogroup:"Applied linguistics and language study" from
Glenn Fulcher's Testing Second Language Speaking is a state-of-the-art volume that considers the assessment of speaking from historical, theoretical and practical perspectives.
bibliogroup:"Applied linguistics and language study" from
This book undertakes a general framework within which to consider the complex nature of the writing task in English, both as a first, and as a second language.
bibliogroup:"Applied linguistics and language study" from
Presents eight specially written chapters which provide a coherent survey of major issues in the study of language and communication, and which show how these are related to questions of practical concern in the learning and teaching of ...
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Throughout, the text is guided by considerable practical experience in language education in a range of classroom contexts worldwide.
bibliogroup:"Applied linguistics and language study" from
The content provides an introduction and a review of major themes in Writing research and pedagogy. This is in part achieved by the papers themselves, and in part by the introductions the Editors offer to each of the four Parts.