bibliogroup:"The Travels of Theodore Ducas [pseud.] in Various Countries in Europe, at the Revival of Letters and Art: Part the First. Italy" from
An imaginary voyage written in imitation of the "Travels of Anacharais." Only the first part, comprising Italy, was published. cf. Dict. Nat. Biog.
bibliogroup:"The Travels of Theodore Ducas [pseud.] in Various Countries in Europe, at the Revival of Letters and Art: Part the First. Italy" from
An imaginary voyage written in imitation of the "Travels of Anacharais." Only the first part, comprising Italy, was published. cf. Dict. Nat. Biog.
bibliogroup:"The Travels of Theodore Ducas [pseud.] in Various Countries in Europe, at the Revival of Letters and Art: Part the First. Italy" from
An imaginary voyage written in imitation of the "Travels of Anacharais." Only the first part, comprising Italy, was published. cf. Dict. Nat. Biog.
bibliogroup:"The Travels of Theodore Ducas [pseud.] in Various Countries in Europe, at the Revival of Letters and Art: Part the First. Italy" from
An imaginary voyage written in imitation of the "Travels of Anacharais." Only the first part, comprising Italy, was published. cf. Dict. Nat. Biog.
bibliogroup:"The Travels of Theodore Ducas [pseud.] in Various Countries in Europe, at the Revival of Letters and Art: Part the First. Italy" from
An imaginary voyage written in imitation of the "Travels of Anacharais." Only the first part, comprising Italy, was published. cf. Dict. Nat. Biog.