bibliogroup:"World Bank Technical Papers" from
The study reviews the various types of payment practices that exist in mature systems including cash, check, GIRO, debit and credit card, direct debit, and large-value wire transfers.
bibliogroup:"World Bank Technical Papers" from
This paper examines agricultural extension within this context, drawing on a variety of ongoing cases throughout the world.
bibliogroup:"World Bank Technical Papers" from
Provides comprehensive data for evaluating market reforms in the states of the former Soviet Union. This is the fourth annual compilation of statistical data on the rapidly evolving economies of the former Soviet Union (FSU).
bibliogroup:"World Bank Technical Papers" from
Annotation World Bank Discussion Paper No. 311.Examines the effects of the Uruguay Round on the countries of Sub-Saharan Africa.
bibliogroup:"World Bank Technical Papers" from
This paper examines the effects of privatization on labor and analyzes the mechanisms that governments can use to minimize the political and social costs of labor restructuring in privatization, by drawing on the experience of mixed ...
bibliogroup:"World Bank Technical Papers" from
"Although procedures for pricing "retail" distribution have been established for a long time, methods for pricing bulk or "wholesale" water supplies are still evolving.
bibliogroup:"World Bank Technical Papers" from
Using an innovative methodological approach, 'Governance Impact on Private Investment' provides a thorough examination of the effect that governance frameworks, both political and regulatory, have on investors' risk perceptions and on ...
bibliogroup:"World Bank Technical Papers" from
-Engaging in global collective action to promote trade outside the negotiating framework of the WTO. -Adopting pro-trade development policies of high-income countries unilaterally. -Enacting new trade reform in developing countries.
bibliogroup:"World Bank Technical Papers" from
this us a history lesson and a guide on how to build commercial finance that fits the needs of the world's poorest majority.