The Guestroom Novelist: A Donald Harington Miscellany gathers a career-spanning and eclectic selection of nonfiction by the Arkansawyer novelist Donald Harington that reveals how a life of devastating losses and disappointments inspired ...
Featuring a suspense novel and four stories, this collection adds several new chapters to the saga of Stay More, the fictional Ozarks village where Harington set more than a dozen novels"--
The story of eleven American towns which never lived up to the expectations of their builders, but whose people stubbornly remain on, creating a "lost city" effect which the author describes in exquisite detail. 67 black-and-white ...
After Noah and Jacob Ingledew travel to Arkansas from Tennessee, they found the town of Stay More that becomes home to six succeeding, struggling, and extremely girl-shy generations of Ingledews
Chronicles the adventures and mishaps of six generations of the Ingledew family as it struggles to survive and perpetuate itself despite the fact all Ingledew males are extremely shy of women.
Continues the story of the little town of Stay More, hidden away in the hills of the Ozarks, and reveals for the first time the mysteries of Latha Bourne, who is set apart from her fellow Stay Morons by her beauty, wit, and intense, ...