inauthor:"Klaus Günther" from
In the third and fourth parts of the book, Günther shows--in debate with Hare, Dworkin, and others--how argumentation on the appropriate application of norms and principles in morality and law is possible.
inauthor:"Klaus Günther" from
He is a specialist in minerals and trace elements in food and teaches as a professor at the Institute of Nutrition and Food Sciences at the University of Bonn, Germany. This book is a translation of an original German edition.
inauthor:"Klaus Günther" from
Jürgen Habermas is widely regarded as one of the outstanding intellectuals of our time. This collection focuses on the theory of law which can be distilled from his vast compendium of work.
inauthor:"Klaus Günther" from
Dabei spielen die Praktiken der Urteilens im Feld der Kunst eine paradigmatische Rolle. Mit Beiträgen u.a. von Luc Boltanski, Eva Geulen, Rahel Jaeggi und Bruno Latour
inauthor:"Klaus Günther" from
Zählen Krisen zu den besonderen Treibern autoritärer Entwicklungen und rechtsextremer Aktivitäten im jungen 21. Jahrhundert? Um diese Frage zu beantworten, bietet dieser Sammelband breit angelegte theoretische und empirische Analysen.
inauthor:"Klaus Günther" from
Neste livro, Klaus Günther pretende evidenciar que é imprescindível explicitar a distinção entre justificação e aplicação.