In searching American literary landscapes for what they can reveal about our attitudes toward nature and gender, The Green Breast of the New World considers symbolic landscapes in twentieth-century American fiction, the characters who ...
Exposing the actual conditions of women's lives, creating assertive protagonists who resist or revise conventional roles, and exploring rich matriarchal traditions and connections to symbolic landscapes Welty, McCullers, and O'Connor ...
Eudora Welty is the liveliest critical introduction yet to the work of this Pulitzer Prize-winning writer, and the first feminist approach to the whole body of her work.
"This essay considers the impact of evolutionary biology on the concept of pastoral and surveys selected literary works from ancient to modern, to indicate the long history of anxiety about the relation of humans to other animals.
This is an interdisciplinary work that puts Maurice Merleau-Ponty's philosophy into dialogue with evolutionary biology, animal studies, and literature, arguing for evolutionary continuity between human cultural and linguistic behaviours and ...