inauthor:"Paolo Costa" from
本書集結六篇論文(第一、三、四、六篇德文,第二篇西班牙文,第五篇義大利文),本書為因應時代變遷下的教育環境及學生職涯挑戰,在教學方法上所提出新的論述及建構。 This ...
inauthor:"Paolo Costa" from
Nine papers, originally published 1971-92, discuss general themes, specific manifestations, and and regional styles of architecture from the second century B.C. into the later Islamic period of the Middle East.
inauthor:"Paolo Costa" from
This is the assumption underlying an ambitious effort to map the field, which consists of a long introduction where "secularization" is analyzed as a deeply problematic concept-of-process and of eight chapters in which several protagonists ...
inauthor:"Paolo Costa" from
The volume both offers sector-specific advice and highlights larger areas which should be prioritized in the policy debate (from transport to social capital, R&D and the environment).
inauthor:"Paolo Costa" from
An extensive survey of the architecture and decorative features of mosques and other religious buildings in Oman which, Costa argues, contains buildings unlike those found elsewhere in Islamic Arabia.